الأربعاء، 15 مايو 2013

Data Hierarchy

Data Hierarchy

Managing Knowledge and data became too important these days. This is because of the huge amounts of different information and data. From this point, managing data needs an effort in sorting the information in the right order and the right place in order to be within an easy reach and access. This chapter shades some light

Data redundancy: The same data are stored in many places

Data isolation: Applications cannot access data associated with other applications 

Data inconsistency: Various copies of the data do not agree.

Data Hierarchy

A bit is a binary digit, or a “0” or a “1”

A byte is eight bits and represents a single character (e.g., a letter, number or symbol)

A field is a group of logically related characters (e.g., a word, small group of words, or identification number).

A record is a group of logically related fields (e.g., student in a university database)

A file is a group of logically related records

A database is a group of logically related files

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